JS8Call: EMCOMM Made Easy

If you have ever tried to send Winlink emails in the field, you know that isn’t always the easiest program to use. When it works it is a joy, but when the available gateways are clogged or propagation is down, it can be a real nightmare.

Enter JS8Call (or what used to be called FT8Call). JS8Call uses the same algorithms as FT8 for weak-signal communications, so propagation challenges are minimized. The great thing about JS8Call for EMCOMM in the field is that you can easily create APRS-IS messages that can be routed through to various communication modalities.

I have successfully (and easily) sent emails, text messages, and eight- and ten-digit grid position reports using three very easy APRS-IS commands in JS8CALL—something FT8 is just not designed to do. Here are the three JS8Call formats for emails, texts, and grid position reports:

Format for SMS Text:


Format for Email:

@APRSIS<SP>CMD<SP>:EMAIL-2<SP><SP>:Email Address<SP>: Message

Format for APRS Messages:


If you are a POTA activator and have no cell service, POTA has written code to accept JS8Call Self-Spotting reports through APRS-IS. Here’s how to format a POTA Self-Spot in JS8Call:


There is a small program available to format the above messages which you can download here. Thank you to Billy Penley, KN4MKB, of The Modern Ham for writing this awesome program.

Finally, for you Android users there is a free app that will use your device’s GPS to calculate your ten-digit grid zone. It is called HamGPS and can be found on Google’s Play Store. Put the grid zone in the setup for JS8Call to give your correct position report. 

If you would like to schedule some time with me to practice sending and receiving JS8Call texts, emails, or position reports, please email me at K2PMD@arrl.net.


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