
Showing posts from March, 2022

Xiegu G90/Windows Setup for WSJTX w-XGGComms USB Digimode-4

Radio Settings          1.       HEADPHONES: On (Short Press the Volume Button [VOL]) 2.       AGC: - - Off 3.       PREAMP: Off 4.       MODE: USB 5.       MIC GAIN: Line (Short press Function Button [FUNC]. Press the Power Button [POW] twice. Use the Tuning Control to select LINE. Short press the Power Button [POW] to exit. Short press Function Button [FUNC]). 6.       AUX IN: (Long press the Function Button [FUNC]. Press Next Button [VM] to get to menu #5. Use the Tuning Control to set to 10.) 7.       AUX OUT:   Set the AUX Out Volume to 12 (Press Next Button [VM] to get to menu #6. Use the Tuning Control to set to 12. Press the Save Button [CMP]). 8.       POWER: 18 Watts (Press the Power Button [POW]. Use the Tuning Control to set to 18W. Press the Power Button [POW] twice.   FLRIG Settings RIG: Xiegu G90 COM PORT: 10 (of course yours will likely be different) BAUD RATE: 19200 STOP BITS:2 PTT: via CAT (also uncheck RTS or DTR in PTT Menu) WSTJ-X Settings RIG: FLRIG FLR

First POTA Video: K-8900 Late Shift

My first attempt to make a video of my POTA activations. Please let me know what you think I can do to improve my VLOG's.