
Showing posts from January, 2022

JS8Call: EMCOMM Made Easy

If you have ever tried to send Winlink emails in the field, you know that isn’t always the easiest program to use. When it works it is a joy, but when the available gateways are clogged or propagation is down, it can be a real nightmare. Enter JS8Call (or what used to be called FT8Call). JS8Call uses the same algorithms as FT8 for weak-signal communications, so propagation challenges are minimized. The great thing about JS8Call for EMCOMM in the field is that you can easily create APRS-IS messages that can be routed through to various communication modalities. I have successfully (and easily) sent emails, text messages, and eight- and ten-digit grid position reports using three very easy APRS-IS commands in JS8CALL—something FT8 is just not designed to do. Here are the three JS8Call formats for emails, texts, and grid position reports: Format for SMS Text: @APRSIS <SP> CMD <SP> :SMSGTE <SP> <SP> <SP> :@#### #### ### <SP> Message Format for